Streaming & Download Instructions
- Login to your account
- Click "MY VIDEOS" button
- Choose a tutorial to Stream or Download
You can stream our videos on most devices including your phone, tablet and computer.
You need to have broadband internet to stream our videos. If it's not playing smoothly then download it to a computer for viewing.
Downloading our videos is only available on computers. It will not work on your iPhone or iPad but it may work on your Android or other tablet.
Once downloaded you can sync them to your phone or tablet for offline viewing.
Download Tips:
- Each download should take 5-10 minutes with a fast connection. Try to avoid public or slow connections like cafes, hotels, etc
- Click each download link once and ensure it’s downloading before clicking the link again.
- Avoid using a download manager as they max out limits fast, just manually download from your web browser by clicking 1 link at a time.
- If you’re trying to download to an iPad, iPhone or other mobile device, you need to download to your computer first then transfer it to the mobile device.
- Your downloads will normally appear in the “downloads” folder of your computer