Tips On Getting Sponsored
Getting sponsored is a big thing for a lot of skiers. It helps pay the bills, cut down on how much you spend on gear each season and allows you to spend even more time on your skis instead of a desk job. But what is it that makes companies want to sponsor a skier?
In the today's skiing world, there are many talented skiers that can do all sorts of amazing tricks. Being really good at skiing isn't enough anymore for a company to give you a contract. What you have to do is find a way to stand out. Here's a few different examples of skiers who stand out, and why:
The Contest Skier

Photo: yahoo sports
One of the most obvious examples of this right now, is Nick Goepper. Whether you enjoy watching him ski or not, it is undeniable that Nick is one of the best contest skiers in the world right now. At only 21 years of age, he has already earned himself three X-Games gold medals, and he won the bronze medal in the first ever Olympic Slopestyle competition.
Winning ski contests will put you on ski companies radar, but you won't start getting paid until you are winning high level events.
The Style Skier
photo: Level 1
Adam Delorme has been filming with Level 1 for many years now. Year after year he puts out amazing video segments that people look forward to seeing. Companies see this as a way to advertise their new products. Potential customers see skiers like A.D. wearing products, and then want to buy them. Being creative is a huge part of putting together a good segment, you'll need to stand out from everyone else who is also filming video parts.
Putting together a cool edit from a park is one thing, but hitting urban features, taking tricks to the back country and putting together creative lines is what will really make you stand out.
The Unique Skier

photo: Line Traveling Circus
Line Traveling Circus is a perfect example of of skiers being unique to create their own following. TC is one of the most popular webisode series in skiing. Kids get stoked time after time to see the latest episode. They're known for creative setups that they have built themselves. They don't do the hardest tricks, but they are amazing at publicizing their skiing.
You need to find out what kind of rider you are, and then learn how to publicize yourself in the best way possible. This will be different for every individual, because skiing is an individual sport. Some riders will have better luck with contests, and others will be able to shoot awesome photos and video parts. When you first start out, you should put yourself out there whenever possible.
Ride Contests
Even if you're not winning every contest you enter, doing well in local contests will go along way to getting your name out there. Keep pushing yourself to enter higher level contests, it is an awesome way to improve your own riding. When you see someone doing bigger tricks than you, you'll want to learn that trick too.
Shoot Photos/Videos
Putting out as much content as possible will be helpful for getting companies to notice you. Year after year someone will make it big from putting together a sick edit and putting it on Newschoolers. Sharing lots of quality media content is super important.
Focus on yourself
No one other than you can make you a better skier (expect a coach). People can help you, but in the end it is an individual sport. Focus on your own riding and good things will come. Make sure you are having fun at every point along the way. If you don't find the competitive aspect of skiing fun, don't do it! If you don't like shooting photos/videos, don't do that either. Just don't expect to get hooked up by a company. In the end, being sponsored means you work for that company. You are an advertisement for that company. You have to show the company representative you will sell their products. The more products you can help a company sell, the more opportunities you will be given.
Jordan Harrington
Ski Addiction
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