How To Get Comfortable On Tramp Skis
So you've just bought your first pair of Tramp Skis and are ready to start sending it. You strap in and wonder what to start off with. We're here to help you get comfortable on your Tramp Skis so you get the most out of them with this tutorial:
(Narrating/Skier: Kalissa Lolos. Film/Edit: Vince Emond. Filmed At: Whistler Bounce)
Strapping In
Before jumping on the tramp, it's important you get a few things right, including how to strap in. Our bindings are one size fits all. So, even if you have smaller feet, you can take out the rubber insert and wear shoes in the bindings. We do recommend though if you do have normal sized feet, that barefoot or wearing socks is a super comfy way to train.
Strap in nice and tight. You don't want skis flying off mid triple.
A Couple Of Test's
Next, test them out on flat ground. Lift one foot off the ground and point and flex your foot, rotate side to side to make sure they’re secure. This can also give you a feel for their weight, but make sure you test out both feet to fully feel out the skis.
Make sure you test out the tensional flex of the skis.
Press the nose and tail into the ground to get a feel for the flex tension rocking forwards and backwards, sort of like an Ollie or a Nollie. Then, with your foot flat, gently roll between the inner and outer edge to get a feel for the thicker base.
Moving Around
Stepping sideways is an easier way to get round than walking forwards because of the long nose and tail.
This one always looks funny.
Ground Tricks
Now that you've covered the basics, you're ready for some ground tricks. First, try jumping on flat ground extending with only your knees. Remember to keep your ankle flexed through the take-off. If you point your foot on take off, the ski will wobble in the air, which will translate to the trampoline and make it difficult to get pop.
Jump up. Jump forward. Jump side to side.
Tramp Time
Stand with your skis parallel to the tramp and do a sideward step on. Start with some small bounces in the middle of the tramp and as you build confidence, get a little more pop by lifting your arms while keeping your chest centered. Timing those arms is key!
Jump forwards and backwards and side-to-side while keeping your chest centered. This is important because if you lean forward when you land on the tramp, you may bail awkwardly.
Centered and balanced on the skis, on the tramp.
Stay away from the edges of the tramp so the nose and tail of the skis don’t get caught underneath the tramp pads or springs. Keep those ankles locked and tips up with each bounce.
French Fry!
Have Fun!
Basically, have fun and play around with the skis! Those rad old school tricks are the best way to get comfortable on the Tramp Skis. Do some sweet Spread Eagles or Daffy’s. Try a few Cossack jumps, Twisters and Shifties. The more you play around the easier it will be to stay in control while adding your own flair.
Nothing like sending some Daffy's on the Tramp Skis.
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